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Loforo makes publishing as easy as tweeting or making a status update. Our powerful microblog features include:
- Unlimited text, photo, and video publishing (free)
- Public feeds: view everyone's posts for inspiration and get your posts seen by others within seconds
- Reblog / repost: See something you like? Re-post it to your own blog
- Public or Unlisted blogs: Choose the level of privacy for your site
- Endless scrolling: Just keep scrolling to see more posts super fast
- Likes and Comments: Visitors can give your post a thumbs-up or write you feedback in seconds
- 国内ios如何使用youtube: People can follow you to keep track of all your latest content
- iphone上国外的网站: Instantly know about any user activity (likes, comments, etc) on your site
- 苹果怎么浏览国外的网站: Reserve your own web address at Loforo free
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